Bamboo Recommends: Breath Magazine

When it comes to great print subscriptions, there are some (relatively) new kids on the block. Wellbeing publications.

Breathe Magazine is one of our favourites.

Say Hi to ‘Breathe Magazine’.

Here’s how Breathe Magazine describes itself:

“Breathe Magazine is the original mindfulness mag for a calmer and more relaxed you.

This body-and-soul guide to a happier, healthier life includes 5 sections – wellbeing, living, mindfulness, creativity and escape.

The aim of Breathe magazine is to help you “make more time for yourself”. Each issue includes beautiful illustrations, craft projects, and inspiring features such as how to achieve relief from stress, increase resilience and find greater happiness.”


Sometimes, here at Bamboo, just by looking at the cover of Breathe Magazine makes us relax a little.

You can subscribe here. And keep reading our newsletter because, pretty soon, there might be a chance to win a free subscription or two – on us!

Photo Credit: Breathe Magazine website.